Online Pregnancy Test – How to do it for free on the internet

If you think you might be pregnant and want to clear your doubts, the online pregnancy test can help you.

By eliminating questions, it calculates the probability that you will get a positive or negative urine or blood pregnancy test.

Teste de Gravidez Online - Como fazer de graça na internet
Online Pregnancy Test – How to do it for free online (Image: Internet)

Find out what an online pregnancy test is

An online pregnancy test is a great way to find out if a woman has early pregnancy symptoms. As you can see, in this test, the person is asked about the main signs of a new pregnancy and, based on their answers, it is possible to know if they have more chances of getting pregnant.

But even if you say “yes” to several of these questions, remember that the real way to tell if a woman is pregnant is a drugstore or a blood pregnancy test (also known as a beta HCG test) – many women opt for do both.

Discover the real purpose of online pregnancy tests

As you can see – and this is important to point out – an online pregnancy test will not tell you if you are pregnant. During the test, the woman is asked if she has some of the main symptoms of pregnancy, such as late stages and breast pain, and based on the answers, it will be possible to know if she has more or less chances of being pregnant.

However, if you suspect pregnancy, the ideal is to take a pregnancy test - either at the pharmacy or blood test. Remember, these tests should be done after your period is at least a week late.

Even if the couple has unprotected sex, women younger than 30 years old may have a 25% chance of getting pregnant in each cycle.

Between the ages of 30 and 35, the chance decreases to 20% per cycle. If you have had unprotected sex and your period is more than a week late, a pharmacy and/or blood test is recommended.

What was the first symptom of being pregnant?

As we have seen, the questionnaires that you can find on the Internet to guide you if you are pregnant are based on the main symptoms of pregnancy, the most common symptoms and the symptoms that most pregnant women experience in the first days and weeks after conception. They are as follows:

  • Absence of the period.
  • Nausea and nausea.
  • Fatigue, tiredness and drowsiness.
  • Pains in the area of the ovaries, similar to premenstrual pain.
  • Tension and greater volume of the breasts.
  • Abdominal swelling.
  • Emotional sensitivity and mood swings.

Possible light bleeding, which is not normal menstruation, which could correspond to implantation bleeding, which occurs when the embryo is implanted in the uterus.

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Are online pregnancy tests free? Yes, online pregnancy tests on websites are usually free. These are very simple calculation tools based on common questions asked of women trying to conceive and experiencing symptoms of pregnancy.

In any case, you should keep in mind that online pregnancy tests are not a substitute for diagnostic tests, nor are they 100% reliable. They are just to guide you, but you cannot confirm a pregnancy without a urine or blood pregnancy test at home or in a laboratory.

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