Coronavirus: How to prevent, symptoms and treatment

The world is going through the biggest pandemic of modern times, the covid19, a pathology that supposedly originated in China, in the first days of 2020 it was already decimating thousands of people in Asia. Let's learn together Coronavirus: How to prevent, symptoms and treatment.

While Asian countries manage to contain the spread of the disease, Europe has been plunging into chaos. Every day Italy breaks negative records, both in the number of infected and in the number of deaths.

Coronavirus care (Photo: Freepik)

What is Covid19?

Although it seems something recent, the first time we had a record of the coronavirus was in the year 1937. On December 31, 2019, in the city of Wuhan in China, a mutation of the disease was identified that was named Covid19, its origin would have taken place at a seafood and live animal market.

What are the symptoms of the Coronavirus?

  • Fever;
  • Sneezing;
  • Cough;
  • Runny nose;
  • Shortness of breath (severe).

Complications from the coronavirus can cause respiratory infections, from a simple cold to something much more serious like severe pneumonia. All aggravations of the disease are linked to the patient's age and immunity.

How does the transmission take place?

At first, it was believed that the virus passed to humans through contact with infected animals, however, this was soon discarded. The covid-19 has easy transmission, an infected person can contaminate hundreds in a few minutes.

Transmission ways:

  1. Contact with contaminated objects or surfaces, followed by contact with the mouth, nose or eyes;
  2. Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands;
  3. Cough;
  4. Sneezing;
  5. Contact with respiratory secretions.

Coronavirus how to take care

We separate 5 essential care for your everyday life to prevent this virus from reaching you and your family. Using the acronym WUHAN, an international prevention method was created. Check out:

  1. Wash hands = Wash the hands;
  2. Use mask properly = Wear protective masks properly;
  3. Have temperature checked regularly = Check your temperature regularly;
  4. Avoid large crowds = Avoid big crowds;
  5. Never touch your face with unclean hands = Never touch your face with dirty hands.

Does coronavirus have a cure?

As it is a virus, there is no specific cure, but the vast majority of infected people evolve to eliminate the disease, however, it is necessary to maintain care, even for people outside the risk group, people over 60 years old, diabetic, hypertensive, with serious respiratory diseases, it is necessary that when diagnosed the patient follows the instructions of health professionals.

Finally, each of us needs to do their part, so we will be protecting ourselves and also the whole of society. We need to act collectively to get through this very serious crisis and overcome these very difficult times.

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