3 fun facts about the human body

Even after thousands of years of being studied, the human body is still one of the biggest topics of disagreement in the scientific community and the general public alike. It's unexpected information and totally new facts, which few people even imagine. Let's know the curiosities about the human body?

Remembering that all this information was released by respected universities and totally dedicated to the study of the human body.

The human body is a box of surprises. (Photo: reproduction)

1 – Children have more bones than adults

If I told you that a baby is born with 300 bones in its body, would you believe it? Studies at Arizona State University, in the United States, show that the bones end up fusing together during the growth process, which ends up resulting in an adult skeleton of 206 bones with the most varied shapes and sizes.

All these structures are made up of living and active cells, which means that they are in constant growth, regenerating themselves and also relating to other parts of the organism.

These structures are formed by living and active cells, which means that they are always growing, regenerating and also relating to other parts of the organism. One more curiosity is that: if you put all the bones in your body on a scale, the total mass will be equivalent to 15% of your body weight.

2 – There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are human beings on planet earth

The Harvard School of Dental Medicine has already detected more than 615 different species of bacteria in the human mouth, they say it is quite possible that there are many more. The institution's researchers also claim that the total number of microorganisms in the mouth may exceed the number of human beings on planet Earth. Bizarre, do you agree?

With this information, we can say that the human mouth is a kind of small jungle of bacteria. The presence of sugars and carbohydrates in food and the humidity of saliva make this place a favorable environment for the multiplication of microorganisms. Not to mention, experts believe that the variation and quantity of certain species can be the ultimate factor in determining the oral health of patients and also to help in the early diagnosis of oral cancer.

3 – The human heart beats 100,000 times a day

Did you know that throughout the day, the human heart beats an average of 100,000 times? So it is! In 12 months, our organ beats about 35 million times, which adds up to an average of 3 billion beats throughout a lifetime. The Arkansas Heart Hospital reported that the heart is able to pump 5 liters of blood throughout the body every 20 seconds, so the heart is able to circulate the blood present in the body around the body about 3 times every 60 seconds .

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There are many secrets, do you agree? The human body is a box of surprises, even with all the studies dedicated to it. Remembering that it is important to keep the “maintenance” of the organism up to date, in order to avoid any type of problem with your “machine”.

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