Free clothes on Shein – How to request

Almost every Brazilian has purchased Shein products at some point. And most people love the online store.

However, it is quite common for people to believe that it is not possible to win clothes from the brand without being a big influencer.

What if we teach you step by step? It is completely possible and viable to win products to test.

Já pensou em obter roupas grátis na Shein? Muitas pessoas não sabem, mas é possível aproveitar essa vantagem no dia a dia.

Free clothes on Shein – How to request?

The process of obtaining your free parts at Shein It's quite simple! You will only need to follow a few steps, so that you can guarantee your participation in the process, check out:

1. Create your Shein Free Trial account: The first step to conquering your free clothes on Shein It is precisely creating your profile, which needs to have true information about your name, address and all data correctly filled out. If you already have a profile to shop on the website, you can use your profile to apply for the items you are interested in.

2. Access the Free Trial page: After completing your registration, access the page to identify which products are available free of charge for interested testers.

3. Choose the items you are interested in: You can apply for 3 items per week and throughout the week the items are updated. Therefore, choose carefully and apply for products that you really identify with.

4. Wait to see if it will be drawn: Wait for the draw to conclude so that you can identify whether the product has been sent. If you have not won the item you are interested in, it will be described as “review failure”.

5. Wait for the item to arrive at your home: After the draw period, if you were one of those chosen to test the product, you must wait for the item to arrive at your home.

6. It should not take more than 30 days: If the product takes more than 30 days to arrive at your home, it means that it may have been lost. In this case, contact the company so that you can receive the necessary support.

7. Open the product and evaluate: When the product arrives at your home, enjoy opening the item, evaluate each of the details and carry out the evaluation so that you can meet all Shein requirements.

8. Wait for your review to be approved: If your review meets the requirements, it will be immediately approved and you will earn loyalty points. If you do not obtain approval, you may have a new opportunity to correct your assessment, aiming to add points to your profile.

Can I be selected more than once to test products?

All users can apply for 3 products per week. Which gives you 3 chances to be drawn per week.

This aspect makes it possible to have a pleasant experience, so that you can test various products as they are drawn.

However, it is important to be clear that 3 of each product are drawn. And there are usually several products that are available throughout the week for free testing.

In this way, customers interested in becoming testers can be drawn several times throughout a year, as long as the interested party applies several times a year.

It all depends on your interests. The quality of your evaluation of the product does not interfere in any way with the possibility of being one of the lucky winners.

After all, users are randomly selected by a system that has no preference for those who have already given good product reviews.

Therefore, all those who apply have a chance of being selected to evaluate the products available for the free trial.

The tests go beyond the brand's clothes

Shein is a company that sells numerous products, such as items for pets, items for the home, bed, table and bath, as well as clothes, shoes and accessories.

Therefore, a big advantage for those looking to test free items is actually the possibility of testing items that are compatible with their preferences.

Once the item is shipped free of charge, it becomes yours. For this reason, it is worth choosing products that are compatible with your style and preferences, so that you can test and enjoy them in your daily life.

And you already knew it was possible win items from Shein? Many people use the site every day and guide their purchasing decisions through reviews from other users.

That's why the company makes products available for testing, in order to obtain realistic information about the product and that will help with decision making.

Therefore, it is a program that runs all year round and is worth participating in, taking advantage of a little of your luck to receive free clothes from Shein.

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